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9:35-9:45 資訊推廣報告及學員作品欣賞










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高雄市資訊培育協會 TEL:07-3893527, 0919621968





1.           附件01   A Beautiful Southern City

Facing Taiwan Strait on the west and Bashi Channel on the south, Kaohsiung is a beautiful and modern metropolis located in southern Taiwan as well as the second largest city of this island. 
Looking down from an airplane, one will see the abundant landscapes of Kaohsiung: the lush Chai Mountain and Banping Mountain, the clear and serene Lotus Pond, and Love River flowing across the city. This subtropical city boasts its brilliant sunshine and gentle breeze from the passionate sea.
Sitting between Cijin Island and downtown, Port of Kaohsiung is theworld-class port in Taiwan as well as a hub for international trade. The ceaseless ships and containers from around the world represent the energy and vitality of the business in Kaohsiung.
Kaohsiung, a city of glamour, not only has unique features of mountain, sea, river, and port, but also possesses a rich culture and beautiful cityscape. The city sincerely welcomes your visit.


附件02  Glory Pier tops Kaohsiung’s list of city hotspots

Glory Pier led an online poll conducted by Internet portal Yam.com for the top 10 tourist hotspots in Greater Kaohsiung.

The poll was voted on by 110,000 netizens, with Glory Pier receiving 7,431 votes, the Pier 2 Arts Center coming in second with 7,231 and the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center coming in third with nearly 7,000 votes, Yam.com said.

Originally named Pier No. 13, the Glory Pier was renamed when the military started using it as supply post for soldiers stationed on Kinmen and Matsu.

After its retirement from military use in 2005, the city government built a 500m-long path along the pier, turning it into a new scenic site with a view of the bay.

The pier rocketed to renewed fame after the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman’s giant yellow Rubber Duck was unveiled at the pier during the Mid-Autumn Festival last month.

Meanwhile, the Pier 2 Arts Center, just a short distance from the Glory Pier, was originally an old warehouse the city government decided to remodel into a center for artistic creativity.

In recent years it has been a important site for artists in southern Taiwan to show their works.

The E-Da World Mall, known for its New Year’s firework displays, which some say rivals the annual display put by Taipei 101, ranked fourth, while the Chiahsien District (甲仙), which was ravaged by Typhoon Morakot in 2009, came in at fifth place after the release of a documentary film — A Bridge over Troubled Water.

The district has recently experienced an influx of tourists who have been touched by the film about the area and how it coped with the ravages of Morakot.

Kaohsiung Metro’s Formosa Boulevard Station, which houses the world’s largest public glass art work — the Dome of Light — ranked sixth, according to the poll.


附件03  Climate and Demographics

Kaohsiung City is located in the southwestern part of the island of Taiwan. The city, which lies almost entirely south of the Tropic of Cancer, has a tropical monsoon climate, dry in the winter, hot and wet in the summer and autumn. Because Kaohsiung is next to the Taiwan Strait, climatic changes are not dramatic, thanks to the moderating effect of the ocean. Temperatures are generally lowest in January and February, with averages ranging from 19.9 to 21.5°C, and hottest from June to August, with averages of 28.3 to 29.5°C. The average temperature for the whole of 2010 was 25.1°C. For 11 months out of every year the average temperature exceeds 20°C. The lowest temperature recorded in January of 2011 in low-elevation areas of Kaohsiung was 10.9°C, which is exceptionally cold for this area. Kaohsiung City gets more sunshine than any other place in Taiwan, with an annual average of nearly 200 hours per month. Due to the effects of the southwest monsoon, the rainy season is concentrated in the period from May to September. From October through March, because the northeast monsoon is blocked by mountains, there is a dry season that lasts six months. There are typhoons each year in summer and autumn. According to Central Weather Bureau statistics, an average of three to four typhoons hit Taiwan annually, mainly in the period from July to September. These have always brought heavy rains, but with the increasing frequency of extreme weather events in recent years, precipitations exceeding 500 millimeters in a single day have been recorded. For example, during both Typhoon Morakot in 2009 and Typhoon Fanapi in 2010, Kaohsiung City experienced record-breaking rainfall.


附件04   Integrating Marketing Resources through the Kaohsiung Produce Shop

The city government, farmers' associations, production & marketing groups and private enterprise have all developed new processing technologies and taught farmers how to make use of excess produce. This not helped farmers extend the time their produce is available but also enabled all the different types of produce to benefit from niche marketing. After the amalgamation of Kaohsiung County and City, the KCG set up the "Kaohsiung Produce Shop" at the Zuoying High Speed Rail Station to provide Kaohsiung's many growers with additional sales channels as well as offer the general public and tourists with a place to buy agricultural produce. Once the store opens in September this year, travelers from the north and south will be able to easily purchase Kaohsiung's high-quality processed products, agricultural/fishery produce and fresh fruit. The KCG is also planning to upgrade the existing Lianchi Lake Scenic Area Administration Office into an even larger "Kaohsiung Produce Shop" to offer the most comprehensive selection of Kaohsiung produce. Apart from putting more agricultural produce and processed fishery products on display, the new shop will also host cooking classes on seasonal ingredients. The second floor will feature an agricultural culture museum with exhibitions on people that made important contributions to agriculture or won agricultural awards. The new shop will open for a trial run in early October in support of Zuoying's Wannian Festival. When the shop officially opens in May next year, it will give another boost to the development of a green economy in Kaohsiung.


5.           附件05 Local Education Starts When Young Happy and Stress-Free Learning

The job of local education must begin from kindergarten, including local language and basic conversational ability, teaching of local language singing and local language reading competitions and etc. Little children that first start learning are unable to speak the local language fluently, however, a natural and happy way of learning in training the children’s basic language expression is incredibly important. Letting children be exposed to a local language at an early age, makes them interested in the culture of their mother language and start paving the road for deeper local education in the future.
Once they at the elementary to middle school stage, local education can further extend in a multitude of ways. Three elementary- and middle-schools in Kaohsiung have established a language teaching resource center. They are respectively--the Minnan Language Teaching Resource Center owned by Jian-Guo Elementary School and Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao Gang Junio High School, Hakka Language Teaching Resource Center owned by Zhuang-Jing Elementary School and Kaohsiung Municipal Minzu Junior High School, and the Kaohsiung Aborigines Center established by Ming-Jen Elementary School and Cianjhen Junior High School. It is up to the local language teaching resource centers to promote and hold local language and cultural events together, assimilating local language teaching resources and provide schools with relevant resources and becoming the interactive platform for local education. The Education Bureau also actively set up official classes teaching mother languages in various elementary schools where students were required to take up to a number of hours of local language classes every semester, while increasing the number of local education advisors. Each school would arrange a “Taiwan Mother Language Day” and the bureau would set forth to check out the learning situation, and immediately report the promotion efforts or difficulties faced by the school to the Education Bureau for the sake of editing the policy of local education. At the same time, editors were publishing a multitude of diverse mother language teaching materials, strengthening the training of Minnan, Hakka and Aboriginal teachers. The abundant and vivid content and exceptional teachers provide students with a better learning environment, continuing the knowledge and recognition of the local culture.


6.           附件06  Transformation of Takao Harbor into City Center

The sound of long and short blasts from the ship horns, the sight of laden ships passing returning fishing boats under the beam of the lighthouse… For the people of Kaohsiung City, these form part of their indelible memories of Kaohsiung Harbor. Once known as "Takao Harbor", Kaohsiung Harbor was already an important fishing harbor during Dutch period. During the Japanese Colonial Era, the foundations of today's "Port City" were laid as Takao was systematically modernized and connected to the end of the North-South Railway. The city center was relocated several times during the Japanese Colonial Period due to the government's development strategy. 
Japan initially placed Taiwan under the rule of a governor-general. Administrative control of Kaohsiung City was moved from New Fongshan Castle to the Fongshan Sub-District of Tainan County. When the 8th governor-general abolished the district in favor of states, "Kaohsiung State" appeared for the first time as an administrative region. Development was initially centered around the Cihou region but the government began laying railways, upgrading the harbor, constructing railway stations and passed new urban plans. New industries such as refining, machinery, shipbuilding and cement were introduced as well. What is today Hamasen and Yancheng were at the time two reclaimed areas near the harbor that developed rapidly. The Kaohsiung State Government was established on Kaohsiung Street (what is today Kaohsiung District Court) and within a span of fifty years, Kaohsiung became the second largest city in Taiwan.


7.           附件07  Transportation-1  

Kaohsiung has the largest land area of any special municipality in Taiwan. Its convenient network of land, air, and sea transportation offers multiple options for travel and freight movement, linking Kaohsiung with the world while also allowing people to get where they want to go within the city quickly and easily. Kaohsiung International Airport connects to 21 major cities in Asia, with 385 scheduled flights per week as of May 2011. Kaohsiung also has easy access to Taoyuan International Airport in northern Taiwan by either highway or the Taiwan High-Speed Rail, for flights to destinations worldwide.  
The Port of Kaohsiung is Taiwan’s largest commercial harbor and the 12th busiest container port in the world. It currently has 115 berths totaling 26,155 meters in length, including six container terminals with 24 container docks. Container terminals one through five have been incorporated into the Kaohsiung Free Trade Zone, so customs procedures are quick and simple. The sixth container terminal will be completed in two phases, one in 2011 and one in 2014. It will provide four deepwater container docks with draught exceeding 16.5 meters, so that giant container ships in excess of 15,000 TEU will be able to put in, permitting high-efficiency shipping between Kaohsiung and the world. Looking further ahead, completion of Phase 2 of the Port of Kaohsiung Intercontinental Container Terminal is expected in 2020.  
Another major ongoing project is the construction of the Port of Kaohsiung Passenger Transportation District with its Port and Cruise Service Center, due for completion in 2014. Located at Piers 19 and 20, it will not only bring together various administrative offices that are currently scattered around the port area, thereby improving quality of service, but will also provide berths for large international ocean liners and passenger ships. This modernized passenger transportation space will become a focal point and entryway for tourism in Kaohsiung City.


8.           附件08  An Elegant Gothic Church – The 100-Year Old Rose Basilica

In the Cianjin District, follow busy Wufu Rd. towards the Love River and the atmosphere becomes more quiet and relaxed. Near the mouth of the Love River, the spire of the Rose Basilica rises into the sky next to the Kaohsiung Bridge, looking out over the changing face of the city as the river of time flows by. The first Catholic Church in Taiwan appeared on the banks of the Love River in 1859. More than a century later, Kaohsiung has grown from a riverside farming village into a grand metropolis filled with towers and apartment blocks. The church has also been expanded from the original straw hut into the current Gothic church. Known as the most beautiful church in Taiwan, the European spire, arches and glass windows always impress the first-time visitor. 
It is not just the church's exterior that has been preserved for over a century. The Rose Basilica is a treasure house of Taiwanese Catholic relics as well. The registry of baptisms kept here, for example, is the oldest baptism registry in Taiwan. Since the first baptism recorded on November 3, 1859, over 10,000 people have been baptized here. The statute of Mary over the central altar was also shipped all the way from Spain to Kaohsiung in 1863 when the basilica was first built and is now over 140 years old. 
There are many other historical relics in the basilica. The church staff are more than happy to chat to visitors and give them a guided tour of the basilica's history and architectural features.


9.           附件09  Art and Culture

Kaohsiung’s crafts have not only retained their traditions, but are also innovating for a new age. Indigo dyeing and Meinong oiled-paper umbrellas, with their origins in Hakka culture, faithfully carry forward the down-to-earth aesthetic and refined handiwork of our forefathers. The complex woodcarvings on the upper parts of the main hall of Sanfong Temple are part of the priceless legacy left behind by one of Kaohsiung’s most accomplished master sculptors. And the exquisite carving of the heads of theatrical glove puppets, along with the production of their headgear, is an indispensable element in the transmission of southern Taiwan’s puppet theater heritage. 
In carrying forward their own cultural heritage, ceramic artists such as Chu Panhsiung of Meinong, and Henry Shen of 1300 Only Porcelain in Cijin, have sought innovations and breakthroughs to develop large-scale ceramic relief murals and sculpted ceramic works that betray thoroughly modern artistic values. Other craft products, such as traditional conical sun hats, grass mats, embroidery, and glass beads, bring superlative good taste into everyday life. 




10.       附件10   Memories Locked in Stone at Zuoying Castle

As you run your hands over the stone wall and read the worn lettering, it seems to take you back to three and a half centuries ago. Koxinga had just driven the Dutch from Taiwan and proclaimed the island the East Capital. Taiwan was divided into one prefecture and two counties, with "Wannian County" encompassing modern-day Greater Kaohsiung, Pingtung County and Greater Tainan. The county seat was located Zuoying and this could be considered the first city center within the borders of Kaohsiung. When Taiwan was reorganized into one prefecture and three counties during the Qing Dynasty. The county seat remained in place. The city also became the first city in Taiwan to be fortified with a stone wall and moat. The surrounding area was filled with farms, temples and markets. The "Zuoying Wannian Festival" that the people of Kaohsiung look forward to so much every year is named after "Wannian County" and is an extension of contemporary traditional festivals. When we return to the "Zuoying Castle" today, it is no longer the political and economic hub it used to be. Modern-day Zuoying is a city of many different faces. It is not only situated at the junction of the High Speed Rail, Taiwan Rail and Kaohsiung MRT, it also retains old settlements, military dependents' villages and new urban developments. Reminders that Zuoying was once a prosperous administrative center can still be seen everywhere today.